Sunday, September 27, 2009

Homemade beauty recipes

Avocado Facial

Avocado is a naturally rich moisturizer. Mash the meat of the avocado into a creamy texture. Massage into the face and neck. Leave on for 15 minutes and gently rinse off.

Facial Mask

Squeeze half a lemon and mix the juice with one beaten egg white. Leave on your face overnight or, for a quick pick-me-up, just 15 minutes. Splash warm water on your face to rinse. It helps to removes blotches, because the lemon works as a bleaching agent.

Egg & Honey Mask

Mix together 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg yolk, 1/2 teaspoon almond oil and 1 tablespoon yogurt. Honey stimulates and smoothes, egg and almond oil penetrate and moisturize, and yogurt refines and tightens pores.

Cornmeal Facial Mask

Two tablespoons of cornmeal mixed with enough water to make a thick paste makes a great inexpensive facial mask. Gently apply to face and wash off.

Lighten Circles under Eyes

To lighten dark circles under your eyes, wrap a grated raw potato in cheesecloth and apply to eyelids for 15-20 minutes. Wipe off residue and apply an eye cream.

Egg, Avocado & Mud Facial Mask(best for oilier skin types)

Clay is available in powder form at any health food store. Mix 1 tbsp. dry clay with 1 egg yolk, 1/4 of a mashed avocado and enough witch hazel to create a smooth mixture. Mud dries excess sebum while the egg yolk and avocado replenish lost moisture. Witch hazel tones.

Egg & Olive Oil Hair Mask

Mix two whole eggs with four tablespoons of olive oil. Smooth through hair. Wrap head with plastic wrap, and leave in hair for 10 minutes. Rinse well.

Fruit Smoothie Hair Mask

Blend 1/2 a banana, 1/4 avocado, 1/4 cantaloupe, 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil and 1 tablespoon yogurt. For extra conditioning, squeeze in the contents of a vitamin E capsule. Leave in hair for 15 minutes.

Facial Exfoliater

2 heaped tsp. fine oatmeal
1 tsp. baking soda
Combine ingredients, and add enough water to make a paste. Apply to skin and rub gently. Rinse and gently pat dry.

Banana Wrinkle Fighter

Banana is wonderful as an anti-wrinkle treatment. Mash 1/4 banana until very creamy. Spread all over face and leave for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water followed by a dash of cold. Gently pat dry.

Grape Cleanser

Grape juice makes an excellent cleanser for any skin type. Simply split one or two large grapes, remove pips and rub the flesh over face and neck. Rinse off with cool water.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Is Cosmetic Surgery Only Choice For Anti Aging

Is Cosmetic Surgery Only Choice For Anti AgingIf you are thinking about cosmetic surgery for the best possible anti aging solutions for your needs, consider just who you are looking for. There are several things that you should keep in mind when it comes to improving your body’s method to aging.

While cosmetic surgery may be the best choice for you, you should look at the emotional side of the coin as well. There could be more to your needs than just cosmetic surgery.

Is Cosmetic Surgery A Good Choice?

There are many different types of cosmetic surgeries that you can do to improve the health and look of your body. There is little doubt that you can improve your health with a few of these surgeries from a cosmetic point of view. But, before you can do so, you need to invest the time necessary in really looking at why you want to improve. In addition, you need to learn why you want to have this surgery in the first place?

For some individuals, cosmetic surgery is necessary to do to help them to feel better about themselves. You may have a desire to just slow the signs of aging such as those crow’s feet. But, for others, the process is done because of a lack of self esteem, which can be a problem in the long run if it is not addressed. Where do you lie? Are you looking for a few touch ups to just look better or are you struggling with aging?

Are you struggling with your self esteem?

Absolutely there are great reasons to invest in cosmetic surgery. In fact, it can be a great way to gain back some of the self esteem that is lost. But, those that keep improving or want to have a perfect body and will go to great lengths to get it are often insecure and sometimes even depressed. In these cases, it is essential to evaluate why this is the case and then work to improve it.

Cosmetic surgery is a great anti aging tool. But, it is not the only tool for you. For those that do suffer from other psychological problems, getting help and treatment for them will allow them to feel as well as look younger. In fact, those that are healthy psychologically are often able to power through health problems and improve their overall well being physically and mentally.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Great Anti Aging Technique: Get Enough Sleep!

Do you get enough sleep? If you are looking for an anti aging technique that will work for you, make sure you still get enough sleep in the process. There is no doubt that your body is going to age as the years go on. But, the amount of aging that is experienced in your physical appearance and health is something that can be controlled to some degree. No matter what route you take to improving your overall health and reducing the signs of aging, make sure that sleep is part of the package.

Sleep Is Required

Sleeping is your body’s way of healing and improving. When you sleep, your body uses your energy and resources to improve your health, to repair cells, to grow and even to improve your health condition. For that reason, it is essential in the anti aging process to consider if you get enough sleep to allow your body to do what it needs to do to maintain your health but also your skin’s appearance.

Do You Get Enough?

Doctors will say that individuals require at least eight hours of sleep per night. Your body may require more or less, as each person is different. The way to know if you are getting enough sleep is simple. Do you wake up in the morning feeling rested? Or, are you tired and start your day wishing you could sleep for a few more minutes? Without enough sleep, your body can’t do what it is required to do. So, try to find ways to improve your sleep. Here are some ways that may help you to get to sleep faster.

• Avoid eating meals or even heavily sugared snacks at least two hours before bed as they will increase your blood sugar and keep you up.

• Listen to white noise which is natural sounds or even relaxation recordings. Getting in some meditation before bed helps a well.

• Don’t watch television before bed. Television stimulates your mind, which keeps you alert and thinking. Instead, find a relaxing activity to do.

Getting enough sleep is a must for individuals that are using anti aging techniques or that just need to improve their overall health. Find out what it can do for you by getting to bed earlier and actually getting in the sleep your body requires. It can be the perfect compliment to other anti aging techniques too.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Do Anti Ageing Products Work?

You walk through the aisles of your favorite department store and see countless anti aging products. They call out to you with promises of making you look the best you have since you were a teenager. Many make promises that are anything but realistic and, unfortunately, many of them won’t work for you.

Yet, there are plenty that do have the ability to provide just what you are looking for: improved skin, healthy looking as well as young looking skin. It can happen and there are some options to consider.

Learning What Works

The largest thing you must battle through is learning which products are effective and which are not even possibly so. Here are some tips to learning which the best anti aging products on the market are.

1. Improve your knowledge. Find out why they work. What is their promise to you? Does it make scientific sense in working? Finding out not just what they promise to do but why they work can often eliminate those that don’t make sense or those that may not be appropriate for you.

2. Learn from those that know. Others have more than likely used the anti aging product in the past. Take the time necessary to learn their experiences have been. Find out if they would recommend them to others or possibly not. You can do this easily right on the web.

3. Check the company out. Companies that continuously put products on the market that show no benefits to most are often reported to the Better Business Bureau. You can also look into the company and their products more fully through the Consumer Reports website. Either of these options will give you more information about if this company is legitimate in their promises of anti aging products that work.

Follow The Directions

Another common problem that many that use anti aging products find is that they don’t work. But, this happens not because the product doesn’t have the potential to work, but rather that they did not use it correctly. That provides for the worst possible situation. Following the directions provided will definitely improve your body’s ability to get full benefit from the product.

Anti aging products that are well researched and are used as they are directed to be used are products that can show a lot of help and well being to an individual. You can gain benefits in improved health and wellness with them.

Relation Between Exercise And Anti Aging

Exercise is commonly thought of a s a good thing, but when it comes to anti aging needs, it may be something you need to monitor. By far you must include some forms of exercise in your regular day. Yet, you shouldn’t include too much exercise either. This limit is one that many individuals that are starting to see those aging signs need to pay closer attention to. With a few guidance tools, you can effectively manage the aging requirements that you have.

Regular Exercise Is A Must

Make no mistake that you need to get regular exercise. By moving your body, you use the fuel that you have placed in it. You keep it moving; keep it burning that fuel so that it doesn’t add extra pounds to your abdomen or elsewhere on your body. Added weight can be quite detrimental to overall health, in many cases causing a person to age faster than he or she needs to do so. By reducing your weight, you can actually increase your health ten fold. Manage to do this and improvement is around the corner.

Too Much Isn’t A Good Thing

But, when it comes to anti aging needs that you may have, you should take into consideration the fact that too much, or excessive, exercise is not such a good thing for you. Many doctors believe that excessive exercise, such as running a marathon every weekend, can do damage to your skin. Here, the problem is with too much cardiovascular aerobic type of exercise. If you do this type of exercising and don’t give your body the right levels of antioxidants that is required, you will quickly find yourself struggling with damaged skin.

Your body has many needs and one of them is for the right amount of antioxidants to help remove toxins and reduce the oxidative damage to your body. If you exercise to extreme levels, you produce more oxidative damage to your skin as part of the process. Remember, that excessive exercise strains many areas of the body including the skin.

Without replenishing those needs with improved levels of antioxidants, even added large amounts of additional antioxidants to your diet your skin will age faster than it would if you just got a moderate amount of exercise. While getting this level of exercise is okay if you do provide for the right antioxidant protection, reducing the stress of it on your body will improve your aging.

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Good Diet For Anti Ageing Benefit

No matter if you want to hear it or not, a good balanced diet is one of the best tools for anti aging benefits. The foundation is simple. If you give your body the nutrients and the right fuel that it needs, you get optimum results from it. Consider your car, for example.

If you don’t provide it with the right type of fuel, it will wear down faster, won’t work nearly as well, won’t get the right gas mileage and it probably won’t last as long. If you give it the best possible fuel, on the other hand, you’ll see that it runs longer, better and has less problems along the way.

This same thing works for your body. Your body needs all of the right nutrients if it is to do the things that you want it to do and to provide the right level of anti aging possibilities. Many people make the mistake of looking for another way to improve their condition rather than looking at their own, individual needs.

Rather than striving for improved health through an effective means, such as through a healthy diet, they look for other solutions that may be easier to make happen. Yet, there is simply nothing more effective then monitoring what you eat for your body’s health.

What Your Body Requires

For your body to have a healthy diet, it requires a high level of nutrients and a low level of saturated fats and sugars. For example, you need vegetables. Most vegetables contain high levels of nutrients and also provide for a good amount of antioxidants, which help to stimulate cells, improve blood circulation and remove toxins from the body. That in and of itself is a feat that you need in regards to improving your aging. A great way to get more of these into your diet is through vegetable juicing. Replace your sodas with vegetable drinks (make them yourself for added nutrients and lower costs!)

You should also remove from your diet things that can cause potential problems. For example, sugars are a problem because they help to produce insulin. Insulin is an aging accelerant and something you don’t need extra of. By minimizing the amount of sugars you eat, you reduce the amount of insulin, which reducing the aging effects it will have on your body.

By just taking a look at how you can improve your diet, you can get some of the best anti aging solutions out there.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Anti Aging And Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic SurgeryThere is no doubt that one of the most effective ways for individuals to get anti aging help is to use cosmetic surgery. The term cosmetic is used to describe something that is done to repair the look of something rather than the function of it.

Perhaps with cosmetic surgery, though, the goal is more than just repairing the way that your skin looks but also the way that you feel about yourself. If you feel that your wrinkles bring down your self esteem, it can be quite beneficial to your well being to invest in some form of cosmetic surgery.

What Is Spent

Currently, the cosmetic surgery industry is growing by leaps and bonds. Each year there is an increase of drastic proportions in the number of procedures done. Both men and women will experience these procedures. In addition, there is no doubt that the cost of doing so will rise from $20 billion in 2003 to well over $50 billion by 2007 and up to %100 billion by 2010 , or more. The most common age group that uses cosmetic surgery is that of 35 to 50. But, is this a bad thing?

Is It Bad?

There can’t be anyone that says that cosmetic surgery is definitely bad, unless it puts you at risk from other health problems that you may have. But, there are risks involved. Without a skilled surgeon you may have to have more than one procedure done. There are always a number of surgical errors each year, too. In addition, there is nothing cheap or inexpensive when it comes to this anti aging solution.

But, cosmetic surgery does improve the self esteem, which many doctors and scientists believe can help an individual to improve their health across the board. If you are positively motivated, you can do more physically and mentally. If you are depressed, illness and disease set in even more so. For this reason, there are health benefits to cosmetic surgery that will improve the outlook that the patient has.

Is cosmetic surgery for you? Weighing the costs, the risks and the overall benefit can only be done by you. If you do go down this route, you will need to invest in researching to find the best doctor for your procedure. In the right hands, risks are minimized and procedures are more effective.